Warning Signs of a Toxic Relationship
Warning Signs of a Toxic Relationship |
The warning signs of a toxic relationship are often pretty easy to spot. Learn about how to recognize the warning signs of an abusive relationship.
1. Not making each other feel good all the time
When you prioritize making yourself or your partner feel good while sparing little thought for the other person's feelings, then neither of you will end up feeling fulfilled. This can lead to a breakdown in communication, and that means that the relationship will end up falling apart. It's very important that you make your relationship about more than what makes each other feel good all of the time.
2. Lack of support
It seems like you and your partner's time together has stopped being positive or supportive of your goals. Healthy relationships are based on a mutual desire to see the other succeed in all areas of life, but things usually turn toxic when you feel like they don't have your back.
3. Toxic Relationship communication
You probably spend a lot of time talking to each other, and a lot less time talking to anyone else. But in the meantime, you often treat each other with sarcasm, criticism, or overt hostility. You may even avoid talking to each other for long periods of time.
4. Being a hypocrite
Are you guilty of what you criticize in others? It is common to respectfully disagree with a point in a discussion, but there is a fine line between thoughtful debate and hypocrisy. This is frustrating and damaging for both parties. Whenever someone else criticizes you or gives advice, be mindful that they may do the same thing themselves if analyzed closely enough. Pointing out errors in other people is much easier than admitting it in ourselves. It can be frustrating to see someone so unaware of how hypocritical they are being.
Don’t tell others how to live unless you take advice too. Don’t tell other people not to drink coffee if you eat unhealthy snacks like crisps for example What works for you might not necessarily work for others. All of us have probably been in some hypocritical positions in life, and those around you will probably agree with that statement. However, it’s not too late for you to change, if you make the right choice. Many of us are stuck in habits that we don’t want to be, or things about ourselves that we don't like.
Consider taking a few minutes to identify and plan for habits that may be holding you back. We’ve all developed some we weren’t even aware of, but make the change or let them go as you see fit. You can’t change who you are, but you can change who you’re being. This is a decision for everyone to make and there won’t be a wrong answer. Just promise to work hard and always stay true to yourself.
5. Jealousy
Sometimes feeling jealous can be normal, but it can become more of a problem if you don't pull yourself out of the negative frame of mind.
6. You may be feeling sexual or romantic attraction to someone other than your partner.
It's better to allow yourself to experience these feelings and then let them go. When you suppress these feelings, you give them power over you rather than controlling your behavior for yourself by feeling them and choosing not to do anything.
7. Comparing yourself to others
Comparing yourself to others is always a bad idea. Even if other people do many of the same things or have similar circumstances, your circumstances and skillsets might be different. It can be natural to compare yourself to others, but try not to do it. Everyone has their own circumstances and while some may have things easier than you - don't forget that they may have things more difficult too.
8. Talking about mutual friends
You might admit to saying things about others that are true but not nice while they're not around. Maybe this happens when it's just you and your friends, or maybe you say things when you know the person is listening. When it's harmless, sometimes people find themselves drawing the line where it's appropriate. When you do this, you unknowingly give the impression to others that you cannot be trusted and you are also confirming this to yourself subconsciously.
Gossiping is something that people do without thinking and it's usually harmless. Sometimes, we might not even realize that we're doing it; for example, I was mindlessly gossiping the other day about my friend being unhappy. When you talk about other people, be conscious of your language. The words you speak about others will often come back to haunt you!
9. Controlling behaviors
For those who feel that their partner is always asking them where they are and seeming overly upset when they don't answer immediately, this may be a sign of controlling behaviour. This kind of behaviour can contribute to a toxic relationship.
10. Dishonesty
Trying to avoid spending time with your significant other is a common problem that many people experience. You might find yourself lying, hiding your phone, or not talking to them to avoid the conversation.
11. Lack of self-care
In a toxic relationship, you may find yourself gradually letting go of your usual self-care habits. You might withdraw from hobbies that you once loved or neglect your health, for example. You might even start to sacrifice free time.
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Photo credit: Vera Arsic/Pexels
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