69 Quotes From Brandon Webb
69 Quotes From Brandon Webb |
69 Quotes From Brandon Webb
Being a Navy SEAL and sniper taught me all about risk management. Take away all the risk variables under your control and reduce it to an acceptable level. The same fundamentals apply in business.
— Brandon Webb
There's a lot of SEALs who hate me and claim I've broken our code of silence.
— Brandon Webb
Great leaders know that adversity produces the greatest opportunities in life.
— Brandon Webb
The sniper is like a highly skilled surgeon, practicing his craft on the battlefield.
— Brandon Webb
As a Navy SEAL, and sniper, one of the things I learned was that excellence matters.
— Brandon Webb
If any country deserves American support, Ukraine does.
— Brandon Webb
Violence of action, as we call it in the Spec Ops community, will often change the odds in your favor.
— Brandon Webb
World records aren't broken in practice, and competitive environments and adversity are the birthplace of champions.
— Brandon Webb
The game of political music chairs and finger-pointing by career politicians and agency bureaucrats needs to end.
— Brandon Webb
A lesson learned, both in the SEAL teams and as an entrepreneur, is that failure is sometimes a critical component of success.
— Brandon Webb
Unconventional warfare needs to remain the heart and soul of U.S. Special Operations Command and component commands.
— Brandon Webb
Fighter pilots and special operations forces guys have the same DNA.
— Brandon Webb
Mainstream news covers war and gets everything wrong. I'd rather learn what's happening from soldiers with combat experience. It's like a former NFL player giving play-by-play. We bring the expert commentary.
— Brandon Webb
I'm real careful doing public appearances because look at what happened to my friend Chris Kyle.
— Brandon Webb
The Special Ops community has always been about mental toughness.
— Brandon Webb
The Special Operations community is rooted in unconventional warfare.
— Brandon Webb
The guys who don't make it through SEAL training are the Rambo wannabes. If you cannot work in a team format but also function autonomously, you won't last for very long.
— Brandon Webb
We saw the integration of the female pilots in the Navy, in combat roles, and the resistance there in the beginning.
— Brandon Webb
I sleep well at night.
— Brandon Webb
I think Afghanistan has turned into the Vietnam of my generation, only with a better homecoming.
— Brandon Webb
A good decision executed quickly is better than a great one never executed.
— Brandon Webb
Bad people will find a way to do harm, whether it's homemade explosives, illegal weapons, or flying planes into buildings. Restricting law-abiding citizens' right to bear arms is not the answer.
— Brandon Webb
With rare exceptions, Hollywood typically casts Spec Ops guys as macho, swaggering strongmen. As usual, Hollywood's got it wrong.
— Brandon Webb
If I had to identify the one skill set shared by most by the men who become part of the SEAL teams... it would be sheer brainpower.
— Brandon Webb
If you're going to break the rules, you have to live with the consequences.
— Brandon Webb
While I tend to side with economist Milton Freidman when it comes to free-market economics, there is a place for 'Made in the U.S.A.' where national security is concerned.
— Brandon Webb
It ends all things: birds, trees, flowers, mountain tops, and business; it grinds stones to sand, and as terrible as it is, and it's the most beautiful thing we have in our lives - time.
— Brandon Webb
Time bandits come at all hours, wanting conversations, wasting conversations, wanting meetings, wasting meetings, and all with no purpose.
— Brandon Webb
Whether you have incredible products like at Apple or a great service business, it all comes down to fundamental trust and relationship-building with your customers.
— Brandon Webb
I make a habit of asking myself, 'Is there purpose to this meeting or conversation? Do I want to build a relationship with this person or company? Is there purpose behind this meeting that aligns with my life and business strategy?' If the answer is 'No,' then I pass every time.
— Brandon Webb
After serving as a U.S. Navy SEAL, I started a business. In four years, it failed incredibly, but I learned a lot about business, raising equity, and choosing partners.
— Brandon Webb
Going through SEAL training taught me that it's OK to fall down three times, as long as you get up four. This is a good philosophy for most things in life.
— Brandon Webb
Like a lot of business owners out there, I don't desire to face the continual flogging from government regulators who push burdensome and confusing state tax and employment laws on the business. It creates an unnecessary risk when, as an owner, I can just take it offshore.
— Brandon Webb
The collapse of the Soviet Union could not have been a source of national pride for many in Russia. The one person who has capitalized on this the most has been Vladimir Putin.
— Brandon Webb
Special-purpose dogs have been a critical component for police and military work in the current war on terror. These dogs are some of the bravest animals on the planet.
— Brandon Webb
Law in Ukraine is not black and white; it is shades of gray.
— Brandon Webb
We need a clear plan to put radical Islamic terrorism out of vogue, and it should be eliminated at its roots. American SOF are part of the puzzle, but they do not, by themselves, complete the picture.
— Brandon Webb
The terrorists' only rules? That there are no rules, and this gives them a major advantage.
— Brandon Webb
What is SOCOM's mission statement in two sentences? Most people I know in SOF cannot recite it. If it's not clear from the bottom up, then it's a problem.
— Brandon Webb
Small unit autonomy, breaking the right rules, cultural influence, and relationship building has always been the heart Special Operations. Something must be done to ensure these are not lost to the big machine of SOCOM.
— Brandon Webb
Elon Musk should be at the top of the list of people to emulate when it comes to leading large organizations that are highly maneuverable and use it as a competitive advantage.
— Brandon Webb
The consequences of leaking sensitive information is that Americans and coalition forces die, and we lose trust with foreign spies, and our national security is put at risk.
— Brandon Webb
The September 11th, 2012, attacks on the State Department compound in Benghazi, Libya, is important and should be studied because in the big picture, it represents a failed foreign policy that spans across both Bush and Obama Presidencies.
— Brandon Webb
Benghazi is important because it demonstrates all that is wrong in Washington.
— Brandon Webb
General David Petraeus is an American patriot and hero.
— Brandon Webb
It takes guts to realize you screwed up and to then come clean without any excuses.
— Brandon Webb
Too often, it's the Washington way to hide, point fingers, and try to place blame on someone else.
— Brandon Webb
I like to measure people by their accomplishments in life and how they consistently act.
— Brandon Webb
The 'Patriot Act,' 'Enhancing domestic security,' and 'Protect America' all sound great - until you realize that they're catch phrases for programs that contain roving wire taps without a warrant and the collection and sale of your personal information to the U.S. government.
— Brandon Webb
Transitioning out of the military after a decade or more of service can be exciting and scary. Even more so when you have a family to support and are not experienced with the challenges of transitioning from active duty to civilian life.
— Brandon Webb
I never shot much when I was a kid, but on the spotting scope, understanding the ballistics and the calculations, I'm a ten.
— Brandon Webb
I didn't grow up hunting whitetail, but I would stalk tuna and white sea bass and yellowtail.
— Brandon Webb
Great performers - in sports, the arts, business, or whatever field - have undertaken massive amounts of training. And when that training is complete... they train some more, and harder than they expect to perform. Why? Training builds confidence and ensures peak performance.
— Brandon Webb
My big problem with Hillary and the Department of State where Benghazi is concerned is there is just no accountability.
— Brandon Webb
Veteran causes are an extremely important issue, especially the transition from military to civilian life.
— Brandon Webb
Chris Kyle was a human being, a Texan, Navy SEAL, father, husband, brother, friends to many, and a hero to many; this, at a time when we need all the heroes we can get. I knew him to be a good person, regardless of all the hype floating around in the media.
— Brandon Webb
The rules of engagement when I was in Afghanistan were very flexible. When you're at war, you're at war.
— Brandon Webb
I was happy to be in Afghanistan, doing these real-world operations and taking the fight to the terrorists that attacked us.
— Brandon Webb
I am proud to be a SEAL and serve in the military.
— Brandon Webb
Ever since wars have been fought, guys have been writing their stories.
— Brandon Webb
It's important for Americans to know what the guys fighting the wars have been experiencing, not just from the perspective of a talking-head politician or a four-star general.
— Brandon Webb
Three days doesn't sound like a very long time, and under normal, everyday circumstances, it's not - but under POW camp conditions, it doesn't take long to wear down a man's sanity.
— Brandon Webb
I am not a tall man.
— Brandon Webb
Training programs shouldn't be designed to deliver competence; they must be dedicated to producing excellence. Serious organizations don't aspire to be comfortably above average.
— Brandon Webb
I'm a big fan of economist Milton Freidman.
— Brandon Webb
It's every teacher's job to be rigorous about constantly being open to new ideas and innovation.
— Brandon Webb
It's a huge edge, sometime life-saving, to adopt a good idea early and put it into practice.
— Brandon Webb
Like it or not, Jesse Ventura is a Navy SEAL. He did the pushups and put up with the cold water, just like the rest of us.
— Brandon Webb
The people with whom I've worked in the Special Operations community are more concerned with an individual's contribution to the team, and their ability to do their job exceptionally well, than their race or sexual preferences.
— Brandon Webb
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