Camille Grammer 97 Grand Quotes | Status Free Download

Camille Grammer 97 Grand Quotes
Camille Grammer 97 Grand Quotes

Camille Grammer 97 Grand Quotes | pinterest status Free Download

I think having a sense of humor is just as important a coping mechanism as it is a gift for everyday life.

Camille Grammer

I am the type of person who believes an apology should be sincere and from the heart.

Camille Grammer

I am the third generation of women in my family to be struck with a gynecologic cancer. Because of this legacy, we have been genetically tested.

I am the third generation of women in my family to be struck with a gynecologic cancer. Because of this legacy, we have been genetically tested.

Camille Grammer

I want all of my girlfriends to enjoy each other because life is too short.

I want all of my girlfriends to enjoy each other because life is too short.

Camille Grammer

Chemo is awful!

Chemo is awful!

Camille Grammer

Hawaii is such a wonderful, healing place for me. I feel so at ease with the natives and love the tranquility of the islands. It is a place to find inner peace and be one with nature.

Hawaii is such a wonderful, healing place for me. I feel so at ease with the natives and love the tranquility of the islands. It is a place to find inner peace and be one with nature.

Camille Grammer

I would never hold my children back from that. I would never want them to resent me for holding them back from their father's wedding.

I would never hold my children back from that. I would never want them to resent me for holding them back from their father's wedding.

Camille Grammer

If we can forgive, it will help us to grow and not remain stagnant in the same place. Then we can move on without animosity and hurt feelings.

If we can forgive, it will help us to grow and not remain stagnant in the same place. Then we can move on without animosity and hurt feelings.

Camille Grammer

I feel so blessed. I have two wonderful children, and I'm channeling my energy and my experience to help others.

I feel so blessed. I have two wonderful children, and I'm channeling my energy and my experience to help others.

Camille Grammer

I'm going to try to not eat any more dark chocolate, and that's going to be very, very hard for me because I'm completely addicted to dark chocolate.

I'm going to try to not eat any more dark chocolate, and that's going to be very, very hard for me because I'm completely addicted to dark chocolate.

Camille Grammer

If you come into my house, it looks like I went to Costco and Dylan's Candy and every candy store and I just have glass jars filled with chocolate. I just love chocolate.

If you come into my house, it looks like I went to Costco and Dylan's Candy and every candy store and I just have glass jars filled with chocolate. I just love chocolate.

Camille Grammer

I would encourage all women to get mammograms when their doctors tell them to.

I would encourage all women to get mammograms when their doctors tell them to.

Camille Grammer

In Sept of 2013 I was diagnosed as having an aggressive form of stage 2 endometrial cancer. I underwent a rigorous treatment program that included a radical hysterectomy followed with chemo and radiation therapy.

In Sept of 2013 I was diagnosed as having an aggressive form of stage 2 endometrial cancer. I underwent a rigorous treatment program that included a radical hysterectomy followed with chemo and radiation therapy.

Camille Grammer

I am very grateful to have beaten my cancer, but it has been tough adjusting to my new normal.

I am very grateful to have beaten my cancer, but it has been tough adjusting to my new normal.

Camille Grammer

Due to my genetic predisposition to certain cancers and having experienced the travails of my mom and grandmother in their battles against this awful disease, I wanted to use my platform to raise awareness and funds for crucial research for these below-the-belt cancers.

Due to my genetic predisposition to certain cancers and having experienced the travails of my mom and grandmother in their battles against this awful disease, I wanted to use my platform to raise awareness and funds for crucial research for these below-the-belt cancers.

Camille Grammer

At the end of the day what matters most is that we can cut through the pettiness and drama when it really counts and support each other.

At the end of the day what matters most is that we can cut through the pettiness and drama when it really counts and support each other.

Camille Grammer

I unfortunately tested positive for Lynch Syndrome, so I have been checked at least annually and sometimes twice a year.

I unfortunately tested positive for Lynch Syndrome, so I have been checked at least annually and sometimes twice a year.

Camille Grammer

Lyme disease is very debilitating. Being from the East Coast I know Lyme disease is quite common and may lay dormant and may produce flu-like symptoms, as well as neurological issues.

Lyme disease is very debilitating. Being from the East Coast I know Lyme disease is quite common and may lay dormant and may produce flu-like symptoms, as well as neurological issues.

Camille Grammer

It's in poor taste to question anyone's illness diagnosed through specific testing by their doctor.

It's in poor taste to question anyone's illness diagnosed through specific testing by their doctor.

Camille Grammer

Certain family matters should always remain private within the family.

Certain family matters should always remain private within the family.

Camille Grammer

Sometimes I've said things that I shouldn't have.

Sometimes I've said things that I shouldn't have.

Camille Grammer

I've learned It 's better to address conflicts head on and then move on.

I've learned It 's better to address conflicts head on and then move on.

Camille Grammer

Listen, not all of us are proud of what we say or do at times.

Listen, not all of us are proud of what we say or do at times.

Camille Grammer

I don't need to drink to have a good time with the ladies.

I don't need to drink to have a good time with the ladies.

Camille Grammer

I love when we just let our hair down, get a little goofy and just be girls.

I love when we just let our hair down, get a little goofy and just be girls.

Camille Grammer

I'm just so grateful I had a wonderful surrogate who carried our two children. I have two amazing angels in my life that I love so much. They are such a gift and a blessing from God.

I'm just so grateful I had a wonderful surrogate who carried our two children. I have two amazing angels in my life that I love so much. They are such a gift and a blessing from God.

Camille Grammer

If you can't get pregnant for whatever reason, it's great to know that there are options available for people that want to have a family.

If you can't get pregnant for whatever reason, it's great to know that there are options available for people that want to have a family.

Camille Grammer

Having a mother with an illness and being there for her, and being there for my children I just realize how precious life is.

Having a mother with an illness and being there for her, and being there for my children I just realize how precious life is.

Camille Grammer

You never know what's going to happen so just enjoy the moments that you have with the people you love and cherish them. Let them know that you love them and how much you appreciate them being in your life.

You never know what's going to happen so just enjoy the moments that you have with the people you love and cherish them. Let them know that you love them and how much you appreciate them being in your life.

Camille Grammer

Visiting anyone post-surgery for the first time can be traumatic.

Visiting anyone post-surgery for the first time can be traumatic.

Camille Grammer

I love animals. I'm a big animal lover.

I love animals. I'm a big animal lover.

Camille Grammer

My life and focus are my children, and caring for my mother with her health issues. So when I'm with my friends I want to enjoy their company and not get wrapped up in the distractions.

My life and focus are my children, and caring for my mother with her health issues. So when I'm with my friends I want to enjoy their company and not get wrapped up in the distractions.

Camille Grammer

I want peace in my life.

I want peace in my life.

Camille Grammer

We should take every moment we have and enjoy it now. Put all this cattiness aside and have fun.

We should take every moment we have and enjoy it now. Put all this cattiness aside and have fun.

Camille Grammer

My mom was diagnosed at the age of 46 with ovarian cancer.

My mom was diagnosed at the age of 46 with ovarian cancer.

Camille Grammer

When cancer affects somebody in the family, the whole family is affected.

When cancer affects somebody in the family, the whole family is affected.

Camille Grammer

It's so very important for me to be involved in raising awareness and funds for cancer research.

It's so very important for me to be involved in raising awareness and funds for cancer research.

Camille Grammer

I'm so proud of my mom and I admire her faith and especially strength. In everything that she's gone through she's really been there for me, and that's incredible.

I'm so proud of my mom and I admire her faith and especially strength. In everything that she's gone through she's really been there for me, and that's incredible.

Camille Grammer

I wish and pray my babies will grow up and find someone wonderful to love.

I wish and pray my babies will grow up and find someone wonderful to love.

Camille Grammer

Thank you to all the fans of 'RHOBH' for your continued love and support. It means so much to me.

Thank you to all the fans of 'RHOBH' for your continued love and support. It means so much to me.

Camille Grammer

Sometimes the wrong thing is said or things don't come out the way they were intended.

Sometimes the wrong thing is said or things don't come out the way they were intended.

Camille Grammer

It is difficult to not let the circumstances define you when everyone feels they know your personal struggles and agony.

It is difficult to not let the circumstances define you when everyone feels they know your personal struggles and agony.

Camille Grammer

It is one thing to go through a divorce, and quite another to have the rug ripped out from under you in a very publicly humiliating way.

It is one thing to go through a divorce, and quite another to have the rug ripped out from under you in a very publicly humiliating way.

Camille Grammer

Award season is such an exciting time of the year and I enjoy seeing who is nominated, who wins and - like most women - the fashions.

Award season is such an exciting time of the year and I enjoy seeing who is nominated, who wins and - like most women - the fashions.

Camille Grammer

Nobody likes to feel like they are being torn apart behind their back.

Nobody likes to feel like they are being torn apart behind their back.

Camille Grammer

I am not saying that I have never had an insecure moment in my life, I, like most people, have had many.

I am not saying that I have never had an insecure moment in my life, I, like most people, have had many.

Camille Grammer

I love paddle boarding. It gives me that feeling of peace as well as an opportunity to enjoy nature's true beauty.

I love paddle boarding. It gives me that feeling of peace as well as an opportunity to enjoy nature's true beauty.

Camille Grammer

I do have many close girlfriends; these relationships are paramount in my life.

I do have many close girlfriends; these relationships are paramount in my life.

Camille Grammer

Men are much more up-front with their friends. There isn't as much maneuvering, back-stabbing and covert campaigning. It is what it is at face value.

Men are much more up-front with their friends. There isn't as much maneuvering, back-stabbing and covert campaigning. It is what it is at face value.

Camille Grammer

It is interesting to watch yourself on a reality show. It makes you think about the things that you say and how what you meant to convey can be so easily miscommunicated and misunderstood.

It is interesting to watch yourself on a reality show. It makes you think about the things that you say and how what you meant to convey can be so easily miscommunicated and misunderstood.

Camille Grammer

My self-deprecating humor may not be as funny as I thought.

My self-deprecating humor may not be as funny as I thought.

Camille Grammer

I find I really put careful consideration into my friendships with women because the relationships can be so sensitive. Let's face it: some women can be down right catty. This is what makes me cautious, but also what makes my true friendships so dear to me.

I find I really put careful consideration into my friendships with women because the relationships can be so sensitive. Let's face it: some women can be down right catty. This is what makes me cautious, but also what makes my true friendships so dear to me.

Camille Grammer

Don't get me wrong I love a good fashion show as much as any girl - I just had a lot of time to develop other, not-so-girly interests in addition to shoes and purses.

Don't get me wrong I love a good fashion show as much as any girl - I just had a lot of time to develop other, not-so-girly interests in addition to shoes and purses.

Camille Grammer

What I most hope is that Kelsey and I can improve our communications and truly co-parent our two wonderful children.

What I most hope is that Kelsey and I can improve our communications and truly co-parent our two wonderful children.

Camille Grammer

There's a difference between reality TV and reality. There's a big difference.

There's a difference between reality TV and reality. There's a big difference.

Camille Grammer

It's hard to expose your personal life publicly, and everyone has an opinion.

It's hard to expose your personal life publicly, and everyone has an opinion.

Camille Grammer

Divorce in itself is so difficult to get through.

Divorce in itself is so difficult to get through.

Camille Grammer

Right after any kind of procedure you want to be surrounded by love and you need good healing vibes and positive energy around you.

Right after any kind of procedure you want to be surrounded by love and you need good healing vibes and positive energy around you.

Camille Grammer

I studied acting years ago; it was kind of a dream I had years ago, but I gave that up when I got married and had children.

I studied acting years ago; it was kind of a dream I had years ago, but I gave that up when I got married and had children.

Camille Grammer

I'm very humble.

I'm very humble.

Camille Grammer

I think of myself as pretty chill and down-to-earth.

I think of myself as pretty chill and down-to-earth.

Camille Grammer

I love skiing.

I love skiing.

Camille Grammer

I have to say it has been so important to have your friends and family there for you.

I have to say it has been so important to have your friends and family there for you.

Camille Grammer

We don't need an abundance of things.

We don't need an abundance of things.

Camille Grammer

I think keeping your family close and having them support you helps you so much, and also having a good man in your life, and I have a lot of great friends too.

I think keeping your family close and having them support you helps you so much, and also having a good man in your life, and I have a lot of great friends too.

Camille Grammer

Cancer really stinks.

Cancer really stinks.

Camille Grammer

We can't ignore signals that our bodies are giving us when something is wrong.

We can't ignore signals that our bodies are giving us when something is wrong.

Camille Grammer

I'm a spokesperson, and advocate of awareness. So when anything comes up on our bodies - if it's skin cancer or a bump or something we're not certain of - we need to see our doctors.

I'm a spokesperson, and advocate of awareness. So when anything comes up on our bodies - if it's skin cancer or a bump or something we're not certain of - we need to see our doctors.

Camille Grammer

With sun exposure, be careful.

With sun exposure, be careful.

Camille Grammer

Being a spokesperson for cancer awareness has been a passion of mine. It helps me in my recovery but also helps others.

Being a spokesperson for cancer awareness has been a passion of mine. It helps me in my recovery but also helps others.

Camille Grammer

I'm no table flipper. I am more calm and collected in my fights.

I'm no table flipper. I am more calm and collected in my fights.

Camille Grammer

My mom was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer when she was 47.

My mom was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer when she was 47.

Camille Grammer

I saw my mother go through surgical menopause, and at 35, I wasn't ready for that. I wasn't ready for the complications, like bone loss as a result of early menopause, that my mother had.

I saw my mother go through surgical menopause, and at 35, I wasn't ready for that. I wasn't ready for the complications, like bone loss as a result of early menopause, that my mother had.

Camille Grammer

Chemo gets all the notoriety, but for me, radiation was really the tough one.

Chemo gets all the notoriety, but for me, radiation was really the tough one.

Camille Grammer

I watched my grandmother and mother suffer with gynecologic cancers, and now I've been through it.

I watched my grandmother and mother suffer with gynecologic cancers, and now I've been through it.

Camille Grammer

It's tough being the one person on the hot seat.

It's tough being the one person on the hot seat.

Camille Grammer

I'm a mother and I adore my children. I live for them.

I'm a mother and I adore my children. I live for them.

Camille Grammer

My children are most important to me.

My children are most important to me.

Camille Grammer

I wanted to be a dentist actually.

I wanted to be a dentist actually.

Camille Grammer

I took pre-med courses in college.

I took pre-med courses in college.

Camille Grammer

My parents are always like, 'Camille stop with the medical stuff!'

My parents are always like, 'Camille stop with the medical stuff!'

Camille Grammer

I love cuddling.

I love cuddling.

Camille Grammer

I think that's a really important part of a marriage, to be intimate with your partner.

I think that's a really important part of a marriage, to be intimate with your partner.

Camille Grammer

As a cancer survivor of a radical hysterectomy, there are complications that happen after the fact and your body changes and, going through those changes, you don't feel sexy.

As a cancer survivor of a radical hysterectomy, there are complications that happen after the fact and your body changes and, going through those changes, you don't feel sexy.

Camille Grammer

I'm a spokesperson for the foundation for women's cancer, so I will continue to raise awareness and help those that need help.

I'm a spokesperson for the foundation for women's cancer, so I will continue to raise awareness and help those that need help.

Camille Grammer

I can stand up for myself.

I can stand up for myself.

Camille Grammer

Being in a new relationship is exciting and difficult and there's some things you really want to remain secret.

Being in a new relationship is exciting and difficult and there's some things you really want to remain secret.

Camille Grammer

I want to see my daughter get married, I want to see my son get married, graduate high school, college.

I want to see my daughter get married, I want to see my son get married, graduate high school, college.

Camille Grammer

Our children are Grammers and it's easier to keep the Grammer last name because of them.

Our children are Grammers and it's easier to keep the Grammer last name because of them.

Camille Grammer

There's so much paperwork that goes with changing a name.

There's so much paperwork that goes with changing a name.

Camille Grammer

I'm not self boasting. I'm a really good mom.

I'm not self boasting. I'm a really good mom.

Camille Grammer

I don't think the world is jealous of me.

I don't think the world is jealous of me.

Camille Grammer

The cancer I had is called clear cell carcinoma, and it can show up anywhere at any time. There's always that little fear in the back of my head, it could show up in my colon, my stomach, my brain. I do worry about that.

The cancer I had is called clear cell carcinoma, and it can show up anywhere at any time. There's always that little fear in the back of my head, it could show up in my colon, my stomach, my brain. I do worry about that.

Camille Grammer

Going through divorce while shooting a reality show is terrible.

Going through divorce while shooting a reality show is terrible.

Camille Grammer

Divorce alone is a very hard thing to go through, and having the public weigh in on it makes it worse.

Divorce alone is a very hard thing to go through, and having the public weigh in on it makes it worse.

Camille Grammer

I believe in a marriage that could last and stand the test of time.

I believe in a marriage that could last and stand the test of time.

Camille Grammer

You know, I believe in love.

You know, I believe in love.

Camille Grammer

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