100 Quotes From Chloe Madeley | Status Free Download
100 Quotes From Chloe Madeley |
100 Quotes From Chloe Madeley | WhatsApp Status Free Download
I am a chocolate fiend.
— Chloe Madeley
I'm totally fine with being 'sexual.
— Chloe Madeley
Honestly, when I see those fad diets it makes me furious.
— Chloe Madeley
I've used Maybelline Great Lash Waterproof Mascara since I was younger and swear by it.
— Chloe Madeley
Obviously, I don't mind if James looks at women. He's a man, women are hot.
— Chloe Madeley
I don't get jealous about 'normal' stuff.
— Chloe Madeley
I've always been quite insecure. I had followed Mum and Dad into TV and yet in my heart of hearts I knew it wasn't for me.
— Chloe Madeley
James is made to be a father. He'll be a brilliant dad.
— Chloe Madeley
I'm more than happy to make a living out of my appearance in terms of my body. But I would never go out there and start promoting a personal decision I made, and getting paid for it.
— Chloe Madeley
I won't tow the party line of doing 'girlie' yoga and cardio for physical transformations.
— Chloe Madeley
My job is to constantly assess how I look.
— Chloe Madeley
Twitter just made me feel really upset with the general population.
— Chloe Madeley
If you are healthy as a yogi all day every day, then a cheeseburger with your kids is not going to undo anything.
— Chloe Madeley
My favourite restaurants serve long lists of pizza and pasta creations that I fantasise over almost daily.
— Chloe Madeley
Cardio should be added to a weightlifting programme to A, keep you fit and healthy and B, keep you somewhat lean.
— Chloe Madeley
If you are looking to get lean, protein and veg is going to get you there. Starchy carbs should be timed around workouts only. Portion control is pivotal to keep calories in check.
— Chloe Madeley
Your body can use clean foods for fuel, both for activity and its general health - so cleaning up your diet is definitely step 1 in changing your body.
— Chloe Madeley
Toning' exercises are not a thing. Fat-burning exercises and muscle building exercises are.
— Chloe Madeley
Fat is fat is fat, we lose it evenly all over our bodies, and your stubborn areas will be the last to go.
— Chloe Madeley
When the present gets tough, you have to battle through it by imagining an outcome that is weeks, potentially even months, ahead.
— Chloe Madeley
A lot of the time I had a nanny. But I never felt like I didn't come first. Mum always made time to be a mother. On weekends she would sit down next to me, hold my hand or sit me on her lap and make me talk about my week. She would continuously try to get to know me.
— Chloe Madeley
I'm definitely up for having a baby.
— Chloe Madeley
Apart from my dad, James is the most driven man I've ever met. They both have the attitude that there's plenty of time to sleep when you're dead.
— Chloe Madeley
I track my food, so it's easy for me to see what I'm eating, and if I want to push myself and get into great shape, I'll just cut down on portion sizes.
— Chloe Madeley
I think prepare, if you're going to voice your opinion be aware that some people will be supportive and some people won't.
— Chloe Madeley
I know all about nutrition and how you can change your body if you want to.
— Chloe Madeley
I love feeling strong and capable.
— Chloe Madeley
A friend of mine - one of the rugby girlfriends - got qualified to do lip stuff and she was like: 'I'm gonna do it for free, do you want to do it?' And I'd always wanted to try it so I said yes.
— Chloe Madeley
I've lost so many deals from so many people because I will not stray from my beliefs.
— Chloe Madeley
It's no secret that my audience have always been interested in the fat loss side of what I do, but truth be told, I fell in love with training when I started weight lifting.
— Chloe Madeley
I was always quite anxious, but when I left uni and started to have serious relationships with men I became incredibly insecure about the fact that I was my parents' daughter.
— Chloe Madeley
If I don't really have an outlet for my adrenaline it will then manifest in anxiety, and cortisol levels will rise and then you're in a spiral.
— Chloe Madeley
There are going to be birthdays, weddings, BBQs and work dos and you are entitled to have a few drinks, a slice of cake, a pepperoni pizza or an Easter egg every now and then.
— Chloe Madeley
Do not be fooled, your diet needs a daily dose of all kinds of fats if you want to be healthy.
— Chloe Madeley
Truth be told, exercising is easy once you make it a habit.
— Chloe Madeley
It is extremely important to understand that a healthy diet is a lifestyle change in that it's not something you can just dip in and out of and expect results and or optimum health.
— Chloe Madeley
You can train like a Royal Marine every day of your life, but if your diet isn't right, you won't ever see the fruits of your labour.
— Chloe Madeley
For me personally, I really struggle with my midsection. It's the first place I gain weight and the last place I lose it.
— Chloe Madeley
Yes, you do need to be doing cardio to shed fat but no, you don't need to be going for hour long runs pounding pavement or hitting the treadmill every day.
— Chloe Madeley
If you start working out a few days a week, if you start eating better, it does become easy and habitual eventually.
— Chloe Madeley
I hate being human.
— Chloe Madeley
James is a domineering alpha male which is why I'm so attracted to him and why I sometimes hate him. And I'm a mouthy broad who has to be in control all the time. We must have broken up in excess of a thousand times.
— Chloe Madeley
It's absolutely disgusting how these reality stars think they can get fat and then thin quickly for money.
— Chloe Madeley
I had bad skin growing up and I swear by oral supplements.
— Chloe Madeley
I'm interested in nutrition and fascinated by the changes you can make to your body through diet and exercise.
— Chloe Madeley
I'd always been quite anxious and never felt very confident so I've always over-compensated.
— Chloe Madeley
We've gone from one end of the spectrum, where we didn't want children, to the other end where we thought, 'yes, let's try it.'
— Chloe Madeley
Sure, to an extent it's true that I probably would be just some random girl on Instagram if wasn't for my parents and I am fully aware of that.
— Chloe Madeley
I love training, but it's really hard to get amazing aesthetic results. And the more you diet, the more your metabolism adapts and lowers and it gets harder.
— Chloe Madeley
Nobody can compare to my parents.
— Chloe Madeley
I love what I do. I love training, I love eating healthy, and as anyone who follows me on social media will know by now, I love the results that come with both.
— Chloe Madeley
Before I started training and eating properly, I was never bigger than a big size 10. I always liked my body, I was always body confident. But if you had given me the tools to change it, I absolutely would have. Why? Because it's fun.
— Chloe Madeley
If you are looking to gain muscle, you should still eat clean and healthy. Protein and vegetables should still be your staples, but starchy carbs can also play a frequent role in your meals. You must also be in a calorie surplus.
— Chloe Madeley
Training before work, or during your lunch break, or before dinner really does become second nature after a while - and most people even end up enjoying it.
— Chloe Madeley
How do I tone my bingo wings?' is one of the most commonly asked questions that strikes fear and dread into a personal trainer's heart.
— Chloe Madeley
Push ups actually target your chest, however if you touch your thumb and forefingers together to make a diamond shape with your hands, you are doing a close grip push up, and this is really going to hit your triceps.
— Chloe Madeley
I've always had an athletic frame, both my brother and I inherited it from our dad. All three of us are tall, with broad shoulders, muscular legs and a fast metabolism.
— Chloe Madeley
Remember that all your favourite meals can be made healthier, because the simple fact is, you can never go wrong with protein and veg!
— Chloe Madeley
Your body is not going to change if you keep having the weekends off your diet.
— Chloe Madeley
Anyone out there considering doing a Christmas wedding, definitely do it!
— Chloe Madeley
I love training, I just don't need to take days off.
— Chloe Madeley
Whenever I'm having a hard time, Mum guides me through. She understands how a situation can become overwhelming.
— Chloe Madeley
I missed a connecting flight once and the girlfriend I was with started to cry. And I was like 'Look, just chill. We've got an open ticket. This really isn't a big deal.'
— Chloe Madeley
I always ignore the disgusting troll tweets I get because I honestly do not want to give them any attention.
— Chloe Madeley
Thank God we're getting rid of the stigma that women shouldn't have muscles, that if a woman does she looks like a man. I'm so happy we're breaking down those barriers.
— Chloe Madeley
I started to get quite bad panic attacks when I was in my late teens, and I began running because I wanted to do everything I could before going down the medical route.
— Chloe Madeley
I grew up in television studios watching Mum and Dad do 'This Morning' and other stuff, and I'm just like lots of people, I'm following in their parents' footsteps.
— Chloe Madeley
People think I just dropped out of university and went, 'Mum, Dad, get me a job in television.'
— Chloe Madeley
I eat healthily but one day a week I have what I want.
— Chloe Madeley
If you are going to be ice skating for three or potentially six months you are probably going to get injured a lot.
— Chloe Madeley
I don't want to offend or upset people.
— Chloe Madeley
Doing a show like 'Dancing On Ice,' if you are not a performer, it's a bizarre world to go into.
— Chloe Madeley
I am very proud of my parents.
— Chloe Madeley
I went through a phase where I dressed a bit provocatively when I was a teenager and I don't think my mum was too thrilled. But my dad held the line of, 'Well she will grow out of it' and I did.
— Chloe Madeley
If I have a big shoot and I'm gunning to get into shape I'll really be careful and consistent with my food but when I have a period off, I'll be more relaxed and balanced in my life.
— Chloe Madeley
I hated exercise. I would bunk every PE session and lock myself in the tuck shop.
— Chloe Madeley
Mum is withdrawn and very shy. I don't see her as a friend, like I do my dad. He's active and bouncy. She's maternal, nurturing, exceptionally intelligent and empathetic. I'm a better person for having had her as a mother.
— Chloe Madeley
I would say weightlifting - this methodical act that results in physical and mental feelings of strength, capability, accomplishment - has absolutely had a massive ripple effect on my life.
— Chloe Madeley
Fake tan isn't ideal. You have to be into that whole look to enjoy it - and I hate it.
— Chloe Madeley
Inside, I really do care what people think about me and it can make me nervous and very anxious.
— Chloe Madeley
There are a lot of myths about fat loss, and I wanted to explain how to do it properly, without obsessing over silly fads.
— Chloe Madeley
I did drop out of uni, but I worked in PR for a while and then I worked as a runner on 'Loose Women,' 'The Alan Titchmarsh Show' and 'Hairy Bikers,' so I know how the industry works.
— Chloe Madeley
I'm accused of promoting eating disorders which makes me so angry.
— Chloe Madeley
I think in every family there are pros and cons to it.
— Chloe Madeley
Aside from the whole Richard and Judy fame thing, I am incredibly lucky they're my mum and dad.
— Chloe Madeley
I want everyone to understand the importance of cervical screening and get one booked in if they are overdue.
— Chloe Madeley
I can definitely see why having my parents has helped me get to where I want to go.
— Chloe Madeley
James is a traditional guy and wants us to marry in a traditional setting.
— Chloe Madeley
Mum and Dad started 'This Morning' the year I was born, so I was aware from a young age that they were famous. People would come up to us at Sunday lunch and say how much they liked the show.
— Chloe Madeley
It's my parents' attitudes to situations that gives me a sense of reality about what's worth worrying about, and what's not.
— Chloe Madeley
The problem with being human is that there's far too much responsibility, too much pressure and too many expectations placed on you to achieve.
— Chloe Madeley
I eat all day long, I have a very varied and balanced and healthy diet, but it's very structured and disciplined.
— Chloe Madeley
I'm an absolute daddy's girl.
— Chloe Madeley
I definitely used to be a party girl.
— Chloe Madeley
The television presenting I have done has been quite sporadic, and it's normally only lasted a few weeks or months, so it would be really fun to get a gig that was a bit longer.
— Chloe Madeley
I feel so happy and warm inside that I've made my parents proud.
— Chloe Madeley
Smoking-related heart disease runs in my family. My grandfather and great-grandfather died in their early 40s.
— Chloe Madeley
What I definitely don't like is people calling me or any of my siblings spoilt because we're not. We are privileged but my parents have never given us wads of cash or designer bags or shoes.
— Chloe Madeley
Because I'm my parents' daughter, and get attention from things I've done in the past, that probably goes over people's heads.
— Chloe Madeley
My dad is the softer one and my mum is the disciplinarian, the one who calls the shots.
— Chloe Madeley
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