Unrepeated 60 Selected Quotes From Charlie Brooker | Status Free Download

Unrepeated 60 Selected Quotes From Charlie Brooker
Unrepeated 60 Selected Quotes From Charlie Brooker

Unrepeated 60 Selected Quotes From Charlie Brooker | Instagram Status Free Download

I like technology, but 'Black Mirror' is more what the consequences are, and it doesn't tend to be about technology itself: it tends to be how we use or misuse it. We've not really thought through the consequences of it.

Charlie Brooker

In the age of social media, everyone's a newspaper columnist, exaggerating what they think and feel.

Charlie Brooker

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You can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat waiters and shop assistants, especially when you are one.

Charlie Brooker

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I didn't pass my degree due to never handing in an acceptable dissertation, and while it didn't harm me in the long run, my failure to complete the course properly probably led me to spend the next six years or so coasting, unsure of what to do next.

Charlie Brooker

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I've got a phobia about throwing up.

Charlie Brooker

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When a monk takes a vow of silence, is he still allowed to post messages on the Internet? Chances are God won't find out. Being ancient, God probably can't work computers. He holds the mouse gingerly, like it's made of fine china.

Charlie Brooker

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We take miracles for granted on a daily basis.

Charlie Brooker

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If you're living in a dystopia, you don't necessarily want to look at another one.

Charlie Brooker

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'The Twilight Zone' was sometimes shockingly cruel, far crueller than most TV drama today would dare to be.

Charlie Brooker

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It must be awful, being a homophobe.

Charlie Brooker

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Games get a bad press compared with, say, opera - even though they're obviously better, because no opera has ever compelled an audience member to collect a giant mushroom and jump across some clouds.

Charlie Brooker

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Is hacking ever acceptable? It depends on the motive.

Charlie Brooker

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All Pixar movies are heartbreaking, aren't they?

Charlie Brooker

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If there's no point, then there's no point giving up.

Charlie Brooker

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When it comes to something like Brexit, I am part of the liberal-media London bubble, and so, to me, voting to leave was madness. My perspective was that it was cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Charlie Brooker

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'MasterChef' delivers all the reassuring, cadenced repetition of an endless chore without any of the bothersome elbow grease.

Charlie Brooker

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Technology is a tool that has allowed us to swipe around like an angry toddler.

Charlie Brooker

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Rather than setting yourself a New Year's resolution, why not simply pick a reason for hating yourself for the next 365 days? Takes less time, and it's easier to stick to.

Charlie Brooker

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Brexit is a harbinger for Trump, really.

Charlie Brooker

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Youth fare aside, I have generally always been interested in what's going on culturally.

Charlie Brooker

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Nothing happens in cricket, ever. Even the highlights resemble a freeze frame.

Charlie Brooker

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I think the problem we have as apes is we're asking far bigger questions than we could possibly process.

Charlie Brooker

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I'm no financial expert. I scarcely know what a coin is. Ask me to explain what a credit default swap is, and I'll emit an unbroken 10-minute 'um' through the clueless face of a broken puppet. You might as well ask a pantomime horse.

Charlie Brooker

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If your home is anything like mine, it contains several rarely explored crannies stashed full of archaic chargers, defunct cables, and freshly antiquated gizmos whose sole useful function in 2011 is to make 2005 feel like 1926, simply by looking big and dull and impossibly lumpen.

Charlie Brooker

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I have often felt the worlds of social media and the Internet are like a weird dreamscape. Even physically, when you are looking at your phone, you are out of it.

Charlie Brooker

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The entire economy relies on the suspension of disbelief. So does a fairy story or an animated cartoon. This means that no matter how soberly the financial experts dress, no matter how dry their language, the economy they worship can only ever be as plausible as an episode of 'SpongeBob SquarePants.'

Charlie Brooker

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It's a remarkable pace of which things change and adapt, and it's hard for us to keep up with as a species.

Charlie Brooker

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Amplifying body-image issues, profiting from anxiety, and employing virtual slaves in sweatshops are bad enough, but the fashion industry is also actively hastening the destruction of the very Earth we walk on. It insists on launching fresh collections each season, declaring yesterday's range obsolete on a whim.

Charlie Brooker

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I'm extremely neurotic; it's the way my brain is built.

Charlie Brooker

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Like bankers, top footballers are massively overpaid, but at least you comprehend what they're doing for the money.

Charlie Brooker

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When you meet people you've interacted with on social media, they are not like they are on social media.

Charlie Brooker

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I don't know how, at an age when you're trying to put your identity together, how you cope with the pressure of a performance space, which is what social media is.

Charlie Brooker

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I do think that it's a dysfunctional relationship between columnists and commentators, because they both seem to hate each other, like a terrible marriage.

Charlie Brooker

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The fashion industry is an immense cultural and social blight that only gets a free pass because its would-be detractors are scared it'll start criticising their haircut.

Charlie Brooker

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My brain knows best-before dates are a con; my panicky gut treats them like a nuclear countdown.

Charlie Brooker

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Banking, as far as I can tell, seems to be almost as precise a science as using a slot machine. You either blindly hope for the best, delude yourself into thinking you've worked out a system, or open it up when no one's looking and rig the settings so it'll pay out illegally.

Charlie Brooker

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New Year's resolutions work like this: you think of something you enjoy doing and then resolve to stop doing it.

Charlie Brooker

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Tinder is the ultimate gamification of romance. It's 'Pokemon Go' for the heart.

Charlie Brooker

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I never really thought of myself as a TV critic. I was presenting TV before I was writing about it.

Charlie Brooker

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Everyone's opened a drawer and been startled by the unexpected discovery of an old mobile phone that now resembles an outsized pantomime prop. To think you used to be impressed by this clunky breezeblock. You were like a caveman gawping at a yo-yo.

Charlie Brooker

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I can quickly go to a place where I worry about society spiralling out of control.

Charlie Brooker

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Videogames are probably my first love.

Charlie Brooker

Free Status Quote By - Charlie Brooker

I haven't always been the kind of man who plays videogames. I used to be the kind of boy who played videogames.

Charlie Brooker

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People always assume I went to public school, which I didn't, so that immediately puts me somewhere.

Charlie Brooker

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Getting a moral lecture from the fashion industry is like Jeffrey Dahmer criticising your diet.

Charlie Brooker

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'MasterChef''s preliminary stages deliver just the right level of almost-drama for viewers feeling shagged out after a hard day's fruitless existence.

Charlie Brooker

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When you're being earnest, people think you're being sarcastic, and when you're being sarcastic, they think you're being earnest. The moral in all this, of course, is that people should never attempt to communicate.

Charlie Brooker

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I can't imagine voluntarily standing beside an F1 track in the rain, watching motorised wedges plastered in corporate decals zooming past at 500mph.

Charlie Brooker

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I can't rank anything. I mean, how could anyone possibly say what their favourite piece of music is? I don't have the ability or the desire to categorise things of that nature.

Charlie Brooker

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People tend to think I'm a lot more earnest than I am.

Charlie Brooker

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Our metropolises are blighted by two problems: a lack of public transport and a lack of public loos.

Charlie Brooker

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I've got no attention span.

Charlie Brooker

Free Status Quote By - Charlie Brooker

My career path is like crazy paving - it goes all over the place.

Charlie Brooker

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The logical quandaries thrown up by well-meaning systems are clearly something that I find darkly amusing.

Charlie Brooker

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There's so much stuff flying around online, and it's so easy to get into arguments with people.

Charlie Brooker

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People bemoan the loss of watercooler chat, but I think that there's more of that than ever. It's just that it's online.

Charlie Brooker

Free Status Quote By - Charlie Brooker

I used to draw comics a lot. I was obsessed with 'The Young Ones,' and was massively into video games, although I was no good at them.

Charlie Brooker

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If the Walkman had, by default, silently contacted your friends and told them what you were listening to, not only would no one have bought a Walkman in the first place, its designers would have been viewed with the utmost suspicion.

Charlie Brooker

Free Status Quote By - Charlie Brooker

God, people say 'Black Mirror' was horrible - it's nothing compared to the stuff that happens in 'Grimms' Fairy Tales.' It's mind-bending.

Charlie Brooker

Free Status Quote By - Charlie Brooker

My bookshelves chiefly function as a snapshot of what I was reading prior to the invention of the Kindle.

Charlie Brooker

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