Smashing 85 Selected Quotes By - Chris Rock | Status Free Download
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Smashing 85 Selected Quotes By - Chris Rock |
Smashing 85 Selected Quotes By - Chris Rock | FaceBook Status Free Download
There are only three things women need in life: food, water, and compliments.
— Chris Rock
Every town has the same two malls: the one white people go to and the one white people used to go to.
— Chris Rock
Black people dominate sports in the United States. 20% of the population and 90% of the final four.
— Chris Rock
Funny is only something that others know about you - you can't be funny by yourself.
— Chris Rock
I was bused to a school in Gerritsen Beach in Brooklyn in 1972. I was one of the first black kids in the history of the school.
— Chris Rock
You don't pay taxes - they take taxes.
— Chris Rock
America is the greatest country in the whole world.
— Chris Rock
My first year on 'SNL', I made $90,000 dollars. And I bought a red Corvette for $45,000 dollars. I'm thinking, 'I've got 45 grand left!' Taxes didn't even come into my equation. At the end of the first year of making 90 grand I was 25, 30 in the hole. We live in this baller, spend-money culture.
— Chris Rock
Yeah, I love being famous. It's almost like being white, y'know?
— Chris Rock
Karaoke isn't fair when you're a comedian. The whole idea is to get people laughing and enjoying themselves, and I'm a professional funny guy.
— Chris Rock
The key to staying together is making sure you guys like each other and need each other.
— Chris Rock
Welcome to the 77th and last Oscars.
— Chris Rock
No film critic's going to say it, but 'Madagascar 3' is better than 'The Artist.'
— Chris Rock
I used to hang out with grandfather all the time because he used to pick me up from school sometimes, or drive me to my mother's, so I'd be with my grandfather a lot. I used to watch him write his sermons.
— Chris Rock
Every now and then I'm in a situation where someone doesn't recognize me, and I experience racism. Things like not being buzzed into a store or sitting in first class on a plane and having someone ask to see my ticket four times.
— Chris Rock
Movies have takes. But plays are like life - you don't really get takes.
— Chris Rock
Hollywood's just not funny.
— Chris Rock
A man is only as faithful as his options.
— Chris Rock
I have my own demons and dark moods. It's weird.
— Chris Rock
Gay people got a right to be as miserable as everybody else.
— Chris Rock
I think my best work is when I'm kind of in charge.
— Chris Rock
Show me one guy or woman as funny as Rodney Dangerfield or as good as George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Bill Cosby, or Joan Rivers. There are a lot of good comics out there, no doubt, but as far as the quality of the comics goes, I think what you have is a bunch of situational comics.
— Chris Rock
I live in a neighborhood so bad that you can get shot while getting shot.
— Chris Rock
Who's judging American Idol? Paula Abdul? Paula Abdul judging a singing contest is like Christopher Reeve judging a dance contest!
— Chris Rock
After I left high school and got my GED, I studied broadcast journalism for a year at a community college.
— Chris Rock
When I hear people talk about juggling, or the sacrifices they make for their children, I look at them like they're crazy, because 'sacrifice' infers that there was something better to do than being with your children.
— Chris Rock
President of the United States is you know, our boss, so you know, the President and the First Lady are kinda like the Mom and the Dad of the country. And when your Dad says something you listen.
— Chris Rock
I'm never proper or careful, but I never curse in front of my mother, either.
— Chris Rock
Most parts in comedy, they're not really written for men. They're written for, like, these boy-men.
— Chris Rock
If you properly clean a room, it gets dirtier before it gets cleaner.
— Chris Rock
Music is the soundtrack to the crappy movie that is my life.
— Chris Rock
School shootings were invented by blacks... and stolen by the white man.
— Chris Rock
Now that I have children, I realize taking care of my children is more fun than anything in the whole world.
— Chris Rock
You don't need a critic to tell you people aren't laughing.
— Chris Rock
I live way below my means.
— Chris Rock
I realized with Broadway everything written for black people is usually written in the past, and I'm kind of a contemporary guy. I don't think you want to see me in 'Raisin in the Sun'.
— Chris Rock
Anything I say about women, I try to make sure that at least five or six friends of mine are going through a similar situation. That way I'm not picking on my wife.
— Chris Rock
When I do stand-up, I'm basically doing a one-man show.
— Chris Rock
Right now, my job is that I'm like an ambulance chaser. I've got to look for movies with white guys falling out of them.
— Chris Rock
By the time I was 7 or 8, I wanted to be a comedy writer.
— Chris Rock
I don't get high, but sometimes I wish I did. That way, when I messed up in life I would have an excuse. But right now there's no rehab for stupidity.
— Chris Rock
Only married people understand you can be miserable and happy at the same time.
— Chris Rock
Gun control? We need bullet control! I think every bullet should cost 5,000 dollars. Because if a bullet cost five thousand dollar, we wouldn't have any innocent bystanders.
— Chris Rock
You can only offend me if you mean something to me.
— Chris Rock
A sense of humor is great - it goes a long, long way in a marriage.
— Chris Rock
If a woman tells you she's twenty and looks sixteen, she's twelve. If she tells you she's twenty-six and looks twenty-six, she's damn near fourty.
— Chris Rock
Jokes rot. They're not like songs. I always envy singers - Sting is always going to sing 'Roxanne'. But people want to hear new jokes. I've written jokes as good as 'Roxanne', I believe. But I can't tell them again.
— Chris Rock
I'll go back to comedy clubs when they get a real no-camera policy, the same way they did with smoking.
— Chris Rock
I'm in show business... I want to hang out with Janet Jackson, not Jesse Jackson.
— Chris Rock
Sometimes people offer you plays, they offer you parts, but they only offer it because I'm famous.
— Chris Rock
I love being famous. It's almost like being white.
— Chris Rock
A white boy that makes C's in college can make it to the White House.
— Chris Rock
Anything you can suck at should make you nervous.
— Chris Rock
Charlie Brown is the one person I identify with. C.B. is such a loser. He wasn't even the star of his own Halloween special.
— Chris Rock
It's like, hmm, there's people with $2000 weaves that could have bought health care with that weave money. They don't have insurance. People want what they want. And I guess that is a reason we have this big credit card problem and a lot of these foreclosures.
— Chris Rock
Here's what I knew about doing a play: I knew it would make me a better actor.
— Chris Rock
Pretty girls have problems too.
— Chris Rock
Bill Cosby was the first comedian I was exposed to, because he doesn't curse.
— Chris Rock
A comedy club is a place where you work out material, you're trying material.
— Chris Rock
Comedy is a group activity, a verbal orgy.
— Chris Rock
I'm severely overrated. I'm just above a hack.
— Chris Rock
I can't cook, but I have a nice book of menus... and I can plate and set the table.
— Chris Rock
You can write a great country record and still be angry. Who's angrier than Toby Keith? He's angrier than the average 10 rappers.
— Chris Rock
Men lie the most. Men lie all the time.
— Chris Rock
The thing that surprised me the most is just how much money women that weren't rich were paying for their hair. When you're in a beauty parlor in Harlem next to abandoned buildings and somebody's paying five grand for a weave, that's a bit much.
— Chris Rock
Being with my kids is the best, most fun thing; it's a privilege.
— Chris Rock
I'm severely overrated. I'm just above a hack. That should be the name of my new DVD: 'Chris Rock: Slightly Above Hack'.
— Chris Rock
I'd like to be in a Spike Jonze movie. But I live in a Nancy Meyers movie.
— Chris Rock
I'm a big fan of Katt Williams, Jim Gaffigan, Louie CK, Margaret Cho, Kathy Griffin, Rich Vas, Joey Vega and Matt Claybrooks.
— Chris Rock
I have no idea what my best material is. Different people like different things. I'll say this: The political stuff gets the press, but the relationship jokes sell all the seats.
— Chris Rock
Dude, I didn't say Jude Law can't act. I didn't say Jude Law was in bad movies. I just said he's in every movie.
— Chris Rock
Kids always act up the most before they go to sleep.
— Chris Rock
My movies are okay, but they're not my specials.
— Chris Rock
Does having a wife and kids change your act? Yes, but only in the best way. It gives you weight and authority. It also makes you closer to the audience because the audience is married and has kids.
— Chris Rock
Black people have been qualified to be president for hundreds of years. George Washington Carver could have been president. I could go on with a list of black men that were qualified to be the president of the United States. So the Obama victory is progress for white people.
— Chris Rock
I don't believe I can offend you in a comedy club. I don't believe I can offend you in a concert. A comedy club is a place where you work out material; you're trying material.
— Chris Rock
My goal in life was to host the MTV Awards, because it's the awards show that Prince sang on, and that was the awards show that Eddie Murphy hosted and Arsenio hosted.
— Chris Rock
I've seen women who don't have great relationships with their dads, and it all comes down to this: You have to tell girls you love them every day.
— Chris Rock
I'm an independent, but I got to admit I lean Democratic.
— Chris Rock
Comedians tend to find a comfort zone and stay there and do lamer versions of themselves for the rest of their career.
— Chris Rock
If I find a comedy club where no one's camera works, I'll go.
— Chris Rock
There's some downsides to being famous, which are not even worth mentioning. But to combat the bad sides of being famous, you really should take advantage of the good sides. The good sides are, you can use that fame to get projects you might not normally get.
— Chris Rock
I kind of keep my personality in my pocket a lot. When I start to do stand-up, that's not my true personality either. It's the personality of a guy who hasn't been able to say what he wanted to say.
— Chris Rock
When I started out in comedy, it was common knowledge that it took about 10 years to get good. And that was okay because it took you about 9 years to get on television.
— Chris Rock
I love what's happened to me, but when I was a kid, I wanted to be the president of the United States.
— Chris Rock
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