31 Sublime Quotes From Dan Buettner | Status Free Download
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31 Sublime Quotes From Dan Buettner |
31 Sublime Quotes From Dan Buettner | FaceBook Status Free Download
The people you surround yourself with influence your behaviors, so choose friends who have healthy habits.
— Dan Buettner
A long healthy life is no accident. It begins with good genes, but it also depends on good habits.
— Dan Buettner
The longest-lived people eat a plant-based diet. They eat meat but only as a condiment or a celebration. Nothing they eat has a plastic wrapper.
— Dan Buettner
The secret to longevity, as I see it, has less to do with diet, or even exercise, and more to do with the environment in which a person lives: social and physical. What do I mean by this? They live rewardingly inconvenient lives.
— Dan Buettner
Diet and supplements and exercise programs aren't what is achieving longevity. Having a faith-based community can add four to 14 years.
— Dan Buettner
One of the big things I've learned is that there's an advantage to regular low-intensity activity.
— Dan Buettner
The luster of an experience can actually go up with time. So, learning to play a new instrument, learning a new language - those sorts of things will pay dividends for years or decades to come.
— Dan Buettner
I know exactly what my values are and what I love to do. That's worth additional years right there. I say no to a lot of stuff that would be easy money but deviates from my meaning of life.
— Dan Buettner
Black beans and soy beans are the cornerstones of longevity diets around the world.
— Dan Buettner
Centenarians are still living near their children and feel loved and the expectation to love. Instead of being mere recipients of care, they are contributors to the lives of their families. They grow gardens to contribute vegetables, they continue to cook and clean.
— Dan Buettner
Walking is the only way proven to stave off cognitive decline - it works.
— Dan Buettner
Have fun, be active. Ride a bike instead of driving, for example.
— Dan Buettner
People who are making it to 100 live in environments where they are regularly nudged into physical activity.
— Dan Buettner
Serve yourself, put the food away, then eat.
— Dan Buettner
Exercise, from a public health perspective, is an unmitigated failure. The world's longest-lived people live in environments that nudge them into more movement. They don't use power tools, they do their own yard work, they grow a garden.
— Dan Buettner
None of the longest-lived people ran marathons or pumped iron. They live exactly as their grandparents before them - surrounded by family and friends.
— Dan Buettner
We often think about happiness as trying to increase our joy, but it's also about decreasing our worry. So what you get for paying those high taxes is, if you're a parent thinking about putting your child through school, you don't have to worry about it, because all education through college is free.
— Dan Buettner
I live on the water. I live in a neighborhood that's consummately connected to my neighbors. I bump into them every day. I can bike to work.
— Dan Buettner
Of course, Minneapolis, we think, 'Oh well, it's cold there, lethally cold.' But the reality is you adapt to weather... Humans are consummately adaptable creatures.
— Dan Buettner
The newness effect of a new thing wears off in nine months to a year, but financial security can last a lifetime.
— Dan Buettner
I have always followed exactly what interests me and never really worried about the money. And when you think about it, to be able to travel the world... on an expense account and do exactly what interests you, it just doesn't get much better than that.
— Dan Buettner
The brutal reality about aging is that it has only an accelerator pedal. We have yet to discover whether a brake exists for people.
— Dan Buettner
The name of the game is to keep from pushing the accelerator pedal so hard that we speed up the aging process. The average American, however, by living a fast and furious lifestyle, pushes that accelerator too hard and too much.
— Dan Buettner
Inconvenience yourself: ditch the remote, the garage door opener, the leaf-blower; buy a bike, broom, rake, and snow shovel.
— Dan Buettner
Deepen your existing spiritual commitment.
— Dan Buettner
I think we live in a culture that relentlessly pursues comfort. Ease is related to disease. We shouldn't always be fleeing hardship. Hardship also brings people together. We should welcome it.
— Dan Buettner
You rarely get satisfaction sitting in an easy chair. If you work in a garden on the other hand, and it yields beautiful tomatoes, that's a good feeling.
— Dan Buettner
Having a purpose and knowing exactly what your values are will add additional years to your life.
— Dan Buettner
Select your friendships carefully. Gather people around you who will reinforce your lifestyle.
— Dan Buettner
You have to know why you get up every morning.
— Dan Buettner
Kids in a home with grandparents are healthier.
— Dan Buettner
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